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Sunway College, (2003) Official launch of Projecting Racial Integration in Sunway Malaysia; 3 March 2003. [Image] (Unpublished)

Tun Hussein Onn Library, * (2003) Presentation of ISO 9001: 2000 Certificate Award for Tun Hussein Onn Library by YBhg. Dato’ Dr. Mohamed bin Hj. Aton, President SIRIM Berhad to Mr. Lee Weng Keng, CEO, Education & Healthcare Division, Sunway Group, 3.00 p.m., 26 June 2003, Tun Hussein Onn Library, Sunway College. [Image] (Unpublished)

News Clippings

1st in the World to be conferred the prestigious ACCA Premier Plus Status Award. [Advertisement]. In The Star. StarTwo, (3 December 2003), p. 29.

40 pelajar guna paku tekan buat Jalur Gemilang. In Utusan Malaysia, (27 August 2003), .

THE 7th Sunway College Association of Chartered Certified Accountants-Certified Accounting Technicians graduation ceremony. In New Sunday Times, (19 October 2003), p. 3.

Another first for Sunway College. In Sunday Mail, (7 December 2003), p. 18.

Bengkel pengurusan pelancongan. In Utusan Malaysia. Pendidikan, (4 December 2003), .

Bina Jalur Gemilang guna jarum peniti. In Berita Harian, (27 August 2003), C3.

Boost for Montfort centre in Sabah. In New Straits Times, (2 September 2003), p. 5.

Briefly: Sunway College is hosting a talk by Prof. Mike Gregory, Head of the Institute for Manufacturing and Management, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge. [Announcement]. In The Star, (26 October 2003), .

Budding chefs get five-star experience. In Sunday Mail, (30 November 2003), p. 18.

Campus notes: Nasser Al-Hubaishi; Nicholas Mui; Lee Suk Ngan of Sunway College were awarded scholarships worth about RM3,000 each from the Western Michigan University in the United States. In New Sunday Times, (29 June 2003), p. 3.

Campus notes: Students of Sunway College's School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SHTM) were shown the finer points of professional image, interactive skills and self-confidence at a grooming workshop recently. In New Straits Times, (20 July 2003), .

Campus notes: Sunway College and Monash University Malaysia law students met contract law expert and textbook author Professor Michael Furmston at a talk held at Sunway College. In New Sunday Times, (1 June 2003), p. 3.

Campus notes: Sunway College lecturers attended a Human Relations Skills workshop. In New Sunday Times, (14 December 2003), p. 12.

Campus notes: Sunway College students from its Canadian International Matriculation Programme and staff scaled Gunung Nuang in Ulu Langat. In New Sunday Times, (25 May 2003), p. 3.

Chai Siew Wan of Sunway College scored four distinctions in the recent Cambridge A-Level examinations. In New Sunday Times. Learning Curve, (14 September 2003), p. 3.

Chance for busy executives to get Masters degree. In New Straits Times, (28 March 2003), p. 6.

College offers computer course from UK. In New Straits Times, (30 August 2003), p. 6.

College programme for National Service. In The Sun, (10 December 2003), .

Congratulations ACCA/CAT Graduates of June 2003. [Advertisement]. In Sunday Star, (7 December 2003), p. 40.

Contribution. In Daily Express. Education, (13 August 2003), p. 17.

Donations and dairy cuisine. In Sunday Star. Education, (4 May 2003), .

Dua pelajar terima Anugerah Biasiswa Sukan Kolej Sunway. In Harian Metro, (3 November 2003), 44A.

English cornucopia. In Sunday Star. Education, (6 July 2003), p. 22.

Fee Ley's feel for figures pays off; [Sunway College signs Memorandum of Agreement with United Kingdom eUniversities (UkeU)]. In Sunday Star. Education, (6 April 2003), p. 21.

Fifty-seven teachers of information and communications technology from secondary schools in Petaling district recently attended a three-day crash course in database management at the School of Information Technology, Telecommunications and Multimedia (SITM), Sunway College. In New Sunday Times, (1 June 2003), p. 2.

Final-year students at Sunway College's School of Hospitality And Tourism Management raised RM1,800 for the Malaysian Association for the Blind through a charity dinner. In New Sunday Times, (18 May 2003), p. 3.

First time 'chefs'. In The Star. StarEducation, (23 November 2003), p. 21.

Four underprivileged students been awarded Sunway College Community Scholarships. In Sunday Star. Education, (4 May 2003), .

Getting an English education changed Abdullah's life. In Malay Mail, (2003), p. 20.

Getting the best out of students. In The Star. StarSpecial, (17 December 2003), p. 6.

Hands-on IT training for teachers. In Sunday Star. Education, (4 May 2003), .

Hands-on training for teachers. In New Straits Times, (21 April 2003), p. 30.

Heartiest congratulations to Dato Hon Choon Kim, our Deputy Minister of Education, on the conferment of the Honorary Doctor of Education by University of East London. [Translation of Chinese title][Advertisement]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (6 April 2003), A12.

Hone retailing skills at Sunway College. In New Sunday Times. Higher Education, (6 July 2003), p. 4.

IT course for students at Sunway. In Sunday Star. Education, (17 August 2003), p. 17.

Inter-varsity meet draws 300 accounting students. In New Straits Times, (30 May 2003), .

Jade Choong raih tempat pertama. In Berita Harian, (19 June 2003), .

Kertas kerja pelajar Sunway terbaik. In Harian Metro, (30 June 2003), A35.

Kolej Sunway anjur pertandingan Simulasi Pasaran Saham. In Utusan Malaysia, (19 February 2003), .

Kolej Sunway laksana program sarjana menerusi internet. In Berita Harian. Pendidikan, (14 March 2003), B9.

Kolej Sunway lancar pengajian CPP. In Harian Metro, (29 September 2003), 36A.

Kolej Sunway tuai hasil. In Harian Metro, (17 November 2003), 46 A.

M'sian education team begins tour in China. In The Star, (20 October 2003), p. 23.

Mental Health Week; 28 July - 1 August 2003. [Announcement]. In Malay Mail, (10 July 2003), .

Mental Health Week; 29 July 2003 - 1 August 2003. [Announcement]. In The Star. StarMetro, (22 July 2003), p. 35.

Nanyang Siang Pau Education Fund winner, Chai Siew Wan scores 4As. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (15 August 2003), A16.

Nanyang Siang Pau collaborate with Sunway College to organize the English Learning Programme. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (18 April 2003), A8.

Ng scores big in Australian Matriculation. In Sunday Mail, (21 December 2003), .

Non-profit institution. In Daily Express, (23 November 2003), p. 12.

Our Pre-U programmes very popular, says the Principal. 25pc of students from other nations. In Daily Express, (23 November 2003), p. 12.

Pact on online degree courses. In New Straits Times, (17 March 2003), p. 33.

Pelajar susuri Endau Rompin. In Harian Metro, (1 September 2003), 36 A.

Penuntut Kolej Sunway dalami undang-undang kontrak. In Harian Metro, (12 May 2003), 36A.

Prof Michael Furmston share his expertise and knowledge with law students. In Sunday Star. Education, (4 May 2003), .

Professor from the Department of Engineering at University of Cambridge is invited to give a talk at Sunway College. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (25 October 2003), B6.

Pushpin flag enters Book of Records. In Malay Mail, (27 August 2003), p. 6.

Pustaka Kolej Sunway dapat ISO 9001. In Berita Harian. Pendidikan, (30 June 2003), B8.

RM11K raised at charity lunch. In Sunday Mail, (14 December 2003), .

Round the block. In New Sunday Times. Learning Curve, (8 June 2003), p. 2.

Scholarships for Sunway College students. In New Straits Times, (29 October 2003), .

Seremban welfare home gets cash aid from college students. In New Straits Times, (16 June 2003), p. 4.

Six awards for Indon student. In Sunday Star. Education, (20 July 2003), p. 23.

Students do their bit for peace. In The Star, (11 April 2003), p. 3.

Students learn teamwork and leadership. In The Star. StarMetro, (4 September 2003), p. 31.

Sunway College 2 years’ management programmes, nurture future wholesale professionals. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (10 July 2003), .

Sunway College Community Show; 19th April 2003. [Announcement]. In New Straits Times, (18 April 2003), p. 7.

Sunway College English Language Department lecturers ran a teaching skills workshop. In New Sunday Times, (5 October 2003), p. 8.

Sunway College GCE 'A' Levels congratulations to our outstanding students. [Advertisement]. In Sunday Star, (17 August 2003), p. 46.

Sunway College Mental Health Week. [Announcement]. In New Sunday Times, (13 July 2003), p. 3.

Sunway College School of Hospitality and Tourism Management raise RM1,305 during the charity auction. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (19 September 2003), .

Sunway College awarded grant RM14900. In New Sunday Times, (28 September 2003), p. 10.

Sunway College gets premier ACCA award. In New Straits Times, (1 December 2003), p. 6.

Sunway College has set an excellence result. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Oriental Daily News, (4 September 2003), C2.

Sunway College has signed a memorandum of understanding with Leeds Metropolitan University. In New Sunday Times, (13 July 2003), p. 8.

Sunway College is holding short culinary courses. In Sunday Star. Education, (18 May 2003), p. 14.

Sunway College is organising a Mental Health Week themed "Say 'Yes' to a Balanced Life — Body, Mind and Spirit"; 28th July - 1st Aug 2003. [Announcement]. In New Straits Times, (21 July 2003), p. 5.

Sunway College offers online master degree courses. New intake session briefing will be held today. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (24 January 2003), .

Sunway College organizes an International Cultural Night. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (11 September 2003), p. 8.

Sunway College played host recently to Professor Mike Gregory, Institute of Manufacturing head at Cambridge University. In New Sunday Times, (7 December 2003), p. 9.

Sunway College received a helping hand for its students' welfare and activities from its library book suppliers. In Sunday Star. Education, (17 August 2003), p. 17.

Sunway College recently organised a Charity Challenge. In New Sunday Times, (7 September 2003), p. 3.

Sunway College students reached the top of Gunung Nuang. In Sunday Star. Education, (18 May 2003), p. 14.

Sunway College will be hosting a talk by Professor Mike Gregory; 27th October 2003. [Announcement]. In New Sunday Times, (26 October 2003), .

Sunway College will hold a talk on "The Renaissance of British Manufacturing"; 27 October 2003. [Announcement]. In New Straits Times, (21 October 2003), p. 8.

Sunway College's IT courses popular. In New Straits Times, (17 December 2003), .

Sunway College's impressive track record speaks volumes. Ultra-modern library linked worldwide, too. In The Star. StarSpecial, (19 November 2003), 10; 12.

Sunway College's strong foundation. In New Sunday Times, (7 December 2003), p. 4.

The Sunway College-Monash University Malaysia Shito-Ryu Karate-Do Club took home four gold, three silver and three bronze medals. In New Sunday Times, (16 November 2003), p. 2.

Sunway College. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (17 July 2003), p. 14.

Sunway College: foreign students can help out. In New Straits Times. Business Times, (25 October 2003), B6.

Sunway breeding ground for excellence. In New Straits Times. Supplements, (19 November 2003), p. 1.

Sunway college will run a Computer Pioneers Programme for secondary school students. In New Sunday Times, (24 August 2003), p. 10.

Sunway creates IT-savvy citizens. In Sunday Star. Education, (21 September 2003), p. 17.

Sunway gives Nasam RM11,000. In Sunday Star. Education, (7 December 2003), p. 18.

Sunway lauded for tradition of excellence. In New Sunday Times, (16 November 2003), p. 4.

Sunway offers pathway to success in A levels. In New Sunday Times, (9 November 2003), .

Sunway offers two new specialisations. In Sunday Star. Education, (22 June 2003), p. 18.

Sunway opens door to 'Big Four. In New Sunday Times. Higher Education, (22 June 2003), p. 4.

Sunway student bags merit award for creative project. In New Sunday Times, (24 August 2003), p. 7.

Sunway student shines in UAE. In The Star. Education, (8 June 2003), p. 17.

Sunway twins with WMU. In New Sunday Times, (23 November 2003), p. 4.

Sunway's IT students have lots of options. In New Sunday Times. Higher Education, (2 November 2003), p. 5.

Sunway's School of IT, Telecommunications and Multimedia (SITM) recently conducted a crash course on Database Management. In Sunday Star. Education, (18 May 2003), p. 14.

Sunway's true-twinning programme. In New Sunday Times, (30 November 2003), p. 4.

Symphony of collaboration. In New Sunday Times, (4 May 2003), p. 3.

Take your pick from a broad range. In The Star. StarSpecial, (16 July 2003), p. 14.

Talks; 16 August 2003. [Announcement]. In The Star. StarMetro, (11 August 2003), p. 35.

Thank you YB Dato' Dr. Ng Yen Yen, Deputy Minister of Finance for officiating the conferment of the ACCA Premier Plus Status Award to Sunway College. [Advertisement]. In The Star, (1 December 2003), .

Three Sunway students received the Western Michigan University scholarship. In Sunday Star. Education, (18 May 2003), p. 14.

Ticket to the hospitality sector. In The Star. StarSpecial, (18 June 2003), p. 6.

Tiga terima biasiswa WMU. In Utusan Malaysia. Pendidikan, (4 December 2003), .

Top of the world. In New Straits Times. Computimes, (8 September 2003), p. 6.

Towering tribute to Dr M. In The Star. StarMetro, (28 August 2003), p. 9.

Training schemes for SHTM students. In Sunday Mail, (7 December 2003), p. 21.

Tun Hussein Onn Library. In New Sunday Times, (20 July 2003), p. 8.

Two high achievers from NCC Education. In Sunday Mail, (6 April 2003), p. 20.

What the foreign students have to say. In Daily Express, (23 November 2003), p. 12.

Winners in hi-tech designing. In Sunday Star. Education, (18 May 2003), p. 14.

Year-end treat for 200 children. In The Star. StarMetro, (10 January 2003), p. 64.

An international cultural night at Sunway College. In New Sunday Times, (21 September 2003), p. 3.

A sporting friendship. Two Sunway students made history when they received the inaugural Sunway College Sports Scholarship Award. In Sunday Star. Education, (9 November 2003), p. 23.

Chen, Mary Budding doctor from Vietnam. In Sunday Mail, (6 July 2003), p. 19.

Chen, Mary Hisaho's life-changing experience. In Sunday Mail, (7 December 2003), p. 20.

Chen, Mary Home away from home. In Sunday Mail, (1 June 2003), .

Chen, Mary It feels just like home for Jean. In Sunday Mail, (17 August 2003), .

Gavin Gomez, Awards for private institutions. In The Star. StarEducation, (15 June 2003), p. 6.

Gomez, Gavin Choosing from 4,000 applicants. In Sunday Star. Education, (16 March 2003), p. 19.

Gomez, Gavin Sunny days for Sunway. In The Star. StarEducation, (16 March 2003), p. 18.

Izwar Abdul Wahid, Kajian peruncitan di Kolej Sunway. In Utusan Malaysia, (16 July 2003), p. 9.

K. W. Mak, All things chocolate at exhibition. In The Star. StarMetro, (18 July 2003), p. 29.

K. W. Mak, A success beyond expectations. In The Star. StarMetro, (28 March 2003), p. 19.

Karen Chapman, Sunway forges ahead. In The Star. StarEducation, (13 April 2003), p. 16.

Kaur, Jeswant College library gets ISO certification. In Sunday Mail, (17 August 2003), p. 18.

Kaur, Jeswant Scholarships for Monash Foundation Year students. In Sunday Mail, (9 February 2003), .

Kaur, Jeswant Sunway College wins human resources award. In Sunday Mail, (16 November 2003), p. 16.

Kaur, Jeswant Teachers get database management training. In Sunday Mail, (2003), p. 18.

Kong, See Hoh Twinning programmes with China. In The Sun, (21 October 2003), .

Nor Azuana Hamid, Pelajar dekati program kebajikan. In Utusan Malaysia, (21 July 2003), p. 4.

Norzilawati Abdul Halim, Kolej Sunway dapat status Premier Plus. In Berita Harian, (19 November 2003), .

Sadna Saifuddin, ACCA awards Sunway College division Premier Plus status. In New Straits Times. Business Times, (19 November 2003), B7.

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