Items where Year is 1994

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UNSPECIFIED (1994) Clubs and societies induction day, 1994. Berita SungeiWay. p. 11.

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Contract law. Berita SungeiWay. p. 6.

UNSPECIFIED (1994) The Dato' Jeffrey Cheah Scholastic Awards presentation ceremony. Berita SungeiWay. p. 10.

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Halloween at Sunway College. Berita SungeiWay. p. 6.

UNSPECIFIED (1994) International education conference. Berita SungeiWay. p. 3.

UNSPECIFIED (1994) New twinning partners & programmes at Sunway College. Berita SungeiWay. p. 11.

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Prime Minister Officiates ASLI's World Leadership Conference. Berita SungeiWay. p. 1.

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Sunway College on road tour. Berita SungeiWay. p. 6.

UNSPECIFIED (1994) The college's new Cambridge 'A' Level programme. Berita SungeiWay. p. 10.

UNSPECIFIED (1994) The law of tort. Berita SungeiWay. p. 12.

Harjit Gill, (1994) A caring college. Berita SungeiWay. p. 8.

Koay, Jerrine * (1994) Trip to India for books. Berita SungeiWay. p. 8.

Lee, Elizabeth * (1994) Dato' (Dr) Jeffrey Cheah conferred a doctorate by University of Western Australia. Berita SungeiWay. p. 7.

Lee, Elizabeth * (1994) Expert spoke at Sunway College. Berita SungeiWay. p. 8.

Lee, Elizabeth * (1994) Sunway College impresses British Minister of Education. Berita SungeiWay. p. 5.

Sharman, Rex * (1994) The premier of Ontario's visit. Berita SungeiWay. p. 6.

Tan, Mei Lin (1994) Flinders University's graduation. Berita SungeiWay. p. 9.

Wong, Jean (1994) ASLI goes into TQM Consulting. Berita SungeiWay. p. 4.


The SungeiWay Group, (1994) Berita SungeiWay; April-June 1995. Other. The SungeiWay Group, Sunway City.

The SungeiWay Group, (1994) Berita SungeiWay; July-September 1994. Other. The SungeiWay Group, Sunway City.

The SungeiWay Group, (1994) Berita SungeiWay; September-December 1994. Other. The SungeiWay Group, Sunway City.

News Clippings

17 Sunway College graduates conferred degrees by the University of Western Australia. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (24 April 1994), .

3000 Sunway College students are connected with 9 oversea universities. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (6 December 1994), .

40 Sunway College students travelled to Kampung Koh for community service. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (24 October 1994), .

45 awarded Aussie degrees. In The Malay Mail, (11 April 1994), .

45 graduan terima diploma. In Harian Watan, (28 April 1994), .

Award of scholarship. In New Straits Times, (20 October 1994), .

Awards for six students. In New Straits Times, (24 November 1994), p. 4.

Awards-cum-farewell night. In The Malay Mail, (12 December 1994), .

Bekas penuntut Sunway cemerlang. In Berita Harian, (8 August 1994), p. 4.

Busy time for Sunway students. In The Star. StarMetro, (18 November 1994), p. 15.

Canadian Secretary of State for Asian Affairs Raymond Chan visits Sunway College. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (5 September 1994), .

Canadian Secretary of State woos local students. In Sunday Mail, (4 September 1994), p. 11.

The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). [Translation of Chinese title][Advertisement]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (27 May 1994), p. 6.

Choice of five Aussie programmes at Sunway. In Sunday Star, (21 August 1994), p. 8.

College plans counselling session blitz. In The Sun, (15 November 1994), p. 10.

College praised by Australian education body. In New Straits Times, (21 July 1994), p. 8.

College promotes greener nation. In The Malay Mail, (14 November 1994), p. 20.

College raises RM8,324 for cancer research. In New Straits Times, (10 November 1994), p. 6.

College staff show they care in charity drive. In New Straits Times, (28 April 1994), .

College students' gala annual dinner. In New Straits Times, (7 April 1994), .

College's counselling sessions. In The Malay Mail, (18 November 1994), p. 5.

College's special day for everyone. In New Straits Times, (24 August 1994), p. 4.

Corporate entities sprang up to exploit in the area of education. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau. Nanyang Business, (26 November 1994), .

Counselling sessions: obtain your answers at our counselling sessions. [Advertisement]. In Sunday Mail, (13 November 1994), p. 20.

Datuk Jeffrey Cheah Fook Ling has been awarded honorary doctorate in education by University of Western Australia. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (24 April 1994), .

David Bonner: Learn how to handle terrorism. United Kingdom no longer the testing ground. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (8 November 1994), .

David Bonner: Learn how to handle terrorism. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (8 November 1994), .

Dean stresses need for commitment to quality. In New Straits Times, (1 December 1994), p. 3.

Dianugerah doktor falsafah. In Berita Harian, (20 June 1994), p. 18.

Doctorate for Cheah. In The Malay Mail, (20 June 1994), .

Enlightening charity project. In New Straits Times, (16 June 1994), p. 7.

Envoy: cheaper to study in Canada. In The Star. StarMetro, (6 September 1994), p. 8.

Fong Chan Onn: After gaining experience from overseas, student study abroad should go back and serve the country. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (14 June 1994), .

Fong: rehiring plan to get teachers to stay on after 55. In The Star, (31 March 1994), .

For a good cause. In The Sun, (11 November 1994), p. 33.

Former students sweep top prizes. In The Malay Mail, (8 August 1994), .

Four Sunway College students scored 5A’s in Cambridge GCE ‘A’ level examination. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (19 September 1994), p. 7.

Fun and laughter at Leicester Ball. In The Star, (29 March 1994), .

Get a flying start in engineering. In The Star, (19 August 1994), p. 6.

Getting a feel of contracting. In Sunday Star. Education, (27 November 1994), p. 31.

Great results in getting degree from the University of Western Australia. Three Sunway College’ students did the college proud. [Translation of Chinese]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (8 August 1994), p. 8.

Helpful hints for careers. In The Malay Mail, (4 April 1994), .

Jensen Lee Chong Yong of Sunway College receives scholarship. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (8 March 1994), .

Johor student awarded scholarship. In The Sun, (12 October 1994), .

Ketua eksekutif terima Doktor Kerhormat. In Utusan Malaysia, (20 June 1994), .

Kolej Sunway: menerajui usaha ke arah kecemerlangan akademik. [Advertisement]. In Berita Minggu, (30 January 1994), p. 5.

Langkawi Project – learnt more about the importance of education. [Translation of Chinese title]. In China Press, (25 October 1994), .

Law expert to conduct seminar. In The Malay Mail, (3 October 1994), p. 15.

Lecture for building industry people. In The Malay Mail, (15 August 1994), p. 4.

Leicester University Law School’s education level is up to par. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (22 September 1994), .

Leicester University, U.K.: prestigious law and engineering honours degrees. [Advertisement]. In The Star, (5 September 1994), p. 22.

Majlis Sunway-Leicester meriah. In Harian Watan, (4 April 1994), .

Making it an annual affair. In The Malay Mail, (22 July 1994), p. 27.

Malaysia's premier private college: obtain your answers at our counselling sessions. [Advertisement]. In The Star, (17 March 1994), p. 22.

Menteri Besar: A number of vacation spots have become tryst place. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (13 September 1994), .

Ministry of Education will try their best to promote the development of private education. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (25 September 1994), p. 8.

Model among the private college. Sunway College shoulder a heavy responsibility. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (22 March 1994), p. 8.

Move to iron out ambiguities in contract papers. In New Straits Times. Business Times, (20 April 1994), .

Moving towards to become an exporter of education services. Deputy Education Minister encourages private college to recruit more foreign students. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (31 March 1994), p. 3.

New programme offer for twinning students. In New Straits Times, (8 December 1994), .

Pelajar Sunway sertai projek masyarakat. In Harian Watan, (3 November 1994), .

Pelajar berpeluang bekerja di Canada. In Utusan Malaysia, (12 August 1994), p. 36.

Proud of its high standards. In The Malay Mail, (22 January 1994), p. 55.

Public lecture on Infrastructure Challengers and Opportunities in the Asia Pacific Region. In The Malay Mail, (24 August 1994), p. 4.

RM8,000 boost for cancer fund. In New Straits Times, (12 November 1994), p. 4.

Rae mahu kerjasama rapat diwujud. In Utusan Malaysia, (23 May 1994), .

Scholarships. [Advertisement]. In The Star, (16 December 1994), .

Scholastic awards for six. In The Sun, (14 November 1994), p. 32.

Seminar "Undang-undang Perjanjian Pembinaan". In Harian Watan, (12 April 1994), .

Seminar "Undang-undang Perjanjian Pembinaan". In Harian Watan, (19 April 1994), .

Seminar on legal aspects of building. In The Malay Mail, (19 April 1994), .

Seminar on legal aspects of construction contracts. In The Star, (12 April 1994), .

Seventeen Sunway College students conferred degree by the University of Western Australia. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (11 April 1994), .

Seventeen from Sunway get degrees. In The Malay Mail, (25 April 1994), .

Skills to excel in studies overseas: communicational skills, analytical thinking needed in foreign varsities. In The Malay Mail, (24 October 1994), p. 16.

Special 'A' level Economics revision at college. In New Straits Times, (24 March 1994), p. 4.

Student moved to help after visiting cancer centre. In The Malay Mail, (5 November 1994), p. 13.

Students get financial awards. In Sunday Mail, (2 October 1994), p. 17.

Students get to meet novelist Jeffrey Archer. In The Sun, (6 September 1994), p. 8.

Students learn about careers in computing. In The Malay Mail, (4 April 1994), .

Students raise RM8,324 for cancer research. In The Star. StarMetro, (14 November 1994), p. 11.

Students stage a concert. In The Malay Mail, (25 April 1994), .

Study opportunities in Canada. In The Malay Mail, (5 September 1994), p. 17.

Sungei Way Group chairman Dato Jeffrey Cheah Fook Ling’s wife presents the Datuk Jeffrey Cheah Scholastic Award to Zhang Jia Lin. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (6 December 1994), .

Sungeiway Group chief gets honorary doctorate. In The Star. StarMetro, (21 June 1994), p. 5.

Sunway College - leading the way in education. [Advertisement]. In Sunday Mail, (28 August 1994), p. 9.

Sunway College aim to be the Harvard of Malaysia. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (16 December 1994), p. 8.

Sunway College and University of Greenwich twinning degree programme offer alternative of obtaining an honours. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (23 November 1994), p. 14.

Sunway College and University of Greenwich twinning degree programme offer alternative of obtaining an honours. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (26 November 1994), p. 9.

Sunway College holds a one-day School Librarians seminar. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (30 October 1994), .

Sunway College invited an international specialist to conduct a seminar on total quality management. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (30 November 1994), p. 17.

Sunway College is holding a series of career counselling sessions. In The Star. StarMetro, (17 November 1994), p. 16.

Sunway College organise gala annual dinner. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (28 March 1994), .

Sunway College set up an education exhibition. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (18 September 1994), p. 10.

Sunway College students and teachers raise fund for the Terry Fox Run. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (12 November 1994), p. 6.

Sunway College to hold series of career talks. In The Star, (13 March 1994), .

Sunway College will conduct a seminar on The Law of Construction Contracts. In The Star, (13 April 1994), .

Sunway College will hold a talk on Algorithms, All are Algorithms — Why Computer Science Is So Exciting. In The Star. StarMetro, (1 November 1994), p. 16.

Sunway College works with four Australian universities. Twinning programmes create another great achievement. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (21 November 1994), p. 16.

Sunway College. Academic excellence. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (15 November 1994), .

Sunway College: There are a lot of advantages in twinning programmes. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (28 March 1994), .

Sunway College: leading the pursuit of academic excellence. [Advertisement]. In Sunday Mail, (2 January 1994), p. 29.

Sunway College: leading the pursuit of academic excellence. [Translation of Chinese title][Advertisement]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (22 March 1994), p. 34.

Sunway College’s Western Australian Matriculation programme award students with outstanding performance. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (12 December 1994), p. 14.

Sunway College’s Western Australian Matriculation programme holds annual awards dinner. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (3 December 1994), p. 3.

Sunway adds two new universities. In Sunday Mail, (13 March 1994), p. 44.

Sunway anjur seminar TQM. In Harian Metro, (29 November 1994), .

Sunway college students give RM3,000 to heart-girl Fathiah. In New Straits Times, (25 June 1994), p. 9.

Sunway students raise RM18,000. In Sunday Mail, (13 November 1994), .

Sunway students strut their creative stuff. In The Malay Mail, (26 April 1994), .

Three ex-Sunway students shine. In New Straits Times, (11 August 1994), .

Twinning with the best. In Sunday Star, (20 November 1994), p. 6.

Twins share ambition and success. In The Malay Mail, (26 September 1994), p. 16.

Two best students awarded. In Sunday Star. Education, (4 December 1994), p. 35.

The University of Greenwich, U.K.: Building surveying. Quantity Surveying. Estate management. [Advertisement]. In New Straits Times, (15 December 1994), .

The University of Greenwich, U.K.: Surveying and Estate Management degrees. [Advertisement]. In Sunday Mail, (4 September 1994), p. 16.

Vacation spots have become tryst place. Menteri Besar Selangor urge operators to stop the unhealthy phenomenon. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (14 September 1994), .

Visitors at Inti and Sunway. In Sunday Star. Education, (11 September 1994), p. 33.

Wan Mohamed: Government is dedicated to improve the education level in order to go beyond the other regional countries. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Sin Chew Jit Poh, (25 September 1994), p. 13.

Western Australian Matriculation (TEE). [Translation of Chinese title][Advertisement]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (24 April 1994), .

Why computer science is so exciting? Sunway College will hold a talk on Friday. [Translation of Chinese title]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (30 October 1994), .

Your choice of the best Australian universities. [Advertisement]. In Sunday Star, (21 August 1994), p. 9.

Your choice of the best Australian universities. [Translation of Chinese title][Advertisement]. In Nanyang Siang Pau, (21 November 1994), .

A shot at a degree for Sunway students. In The Malay Mail, (21 November 1994), p. 16.

Anita Gabriel, and Rahmah Daud, Five colleges have pass rates beyond 90 percent. In Sunday Mail, (28 August 1994), p. 10.

Hamidah Atan, RM120m pride of Sunway. In The Malay Mail, (11 June 1994), p. 24.

Hanim Melan, More varsities in twin pacts. In Sunday Mail, (2 January 1994), .

Hanim Melan, Poised to be region's top college. In The Malay Mail, (12 April 1994), p. 30.

Kam, Paul Agog over algorithms. In Sunday Star. Education, (20 November 1994), p. 38.

Krishnan, Geetha Wide twinning choices at Sunway. In New Sunday Times, (24 April 1994), p. 8.

Lim, Evelyn and Jamah Nasri, Annual ball for college students. In New Straits Times, (27 September 1994), p. 8.

Lim, Patricia Get a head start at Sunway College. In The Star. Higher Education, (28 February 1994), p. 1.

Lim, Patricia Saving money the Sun-way. In The Star. Supplement, (23 March 1994), .

Rahmah Daud, Civil engineering option at Warwick. In Sunday Mail, (4 September 1994), p. 16.

Rahmah Daud, Five top scorers. In Sunday Mail, (28 August 1994), p. 9.

Segaran, Y.S. Day of fun in the sun before school starts. In New Straits Times, (12 May 1994), p. 4.

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